DoD Fire Archon

There are a few minis in the set that are worth showcasing, though. In 2E there are only 5 types of archons, but 3E and it seems 4E are expanding the archons dramatically. This mini, the Fire Archon, is a little goofy looking. I like what WOTC is doing with their clear plastics, but the Fire Archon looks more comical than menacing.
I finally realized that what made him look so stupid was the size of his weapons. Why a guy made of fire wants to use steel weapons and wear armor, I leave that to the game designers to explain. He has them, its a mini in my collection, and he has to have a place on the shelf...

All of a sudden instead of having one figure on the shelf because I collect the set, to one i'd like to have a half dozen of or so as guards to some Elemental Wizard's dungeon or something. It was a very easy conversion and i was happy that the glue held the metal to the plastic so well. With the wide variety of weapons in the Reaper packs, I could easily have a dozen of these without repeating the weapon combination.
All that said, however, the Flame Harrower from Dreamblade is a much more dynamic pose for essentially the same monster. The armor is cooler and it makes much more sense that a fire creature would have a flamesword rather than humping around some steel blades...although, I wonder how much extra damage those red-hot steel blades do?

Labels: Miniatures, Monstrology
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