NPC: Corwyn Leafsong

Corwyn has searched the surrounding lands and as yet has found no passage to the underdark. She suspects that the tunnels might be inside the town walls, but she has never yet been inside the town gate. She prefers to keep her existence a secret.
She wears the armor of her father, and the sword he weilded. The armor was somewhat damaged in his fight for the survival of the elven settlement, but still affords a great deal of protection. The sword, Trollsbane, was created to slay regenerating creatures. She also found and kept the dagger of throwing owned by her mother.
Some 15 years ago, she met and befriended a strange and silent dwarven ranger in the Border Forest. Together they have spent many years searching for tunnels, each for their own, unspoken reason.
This miniature is a Ral Partha piece from a Dragonlance boxed set. I don't know that setting at all, and couldn't tell you a thing about the original character she was supposed to represent. I think she was supposed to have black hair, but I wanted a traditional elf in my little No Name Group.
One thing that is difficult about having elves in your party is that their base starting age is 100 +5d6. What did they do for 150 years or so before they started racking up experience points? To me, it is a head scratcher, so I just had Corwyn hunting tunnels for a century or so. Not many XPs in walking around looking for secret doors and not finding any, but you'd think she'd be bored out of her elven skull by that point.
If any of you who run elves in your campaigns have figured out a good way to deal with the huge age differences in party members when you start including elves and how you account for their great age but paltry experience/lack of levels, please let me know how you handle it in your campaigns.
Labels: Miniatures, Personalities
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